Certified Veterans
Lending Specialist
Is your focus on VA loans? Would you like to separate yourself from the competition? Don't miss this opportunity to become approved for NAMB's most popular certification, the Certified Veterans Lending Specialist (CVLS), sponsored by Newrez.
VA loans are an amazing benefit that veterans have earned, and it’s our responsibility as loan originators to help them take advantage of it. But to maximize that benefit, a veteran needs their loan officer to know all the nuances.
Lender guidelines often cover the top level information and you can do a VA deal from them. However, those guidelines miss the ‘how’ for many of the subtle details of VA loans, and often include limitations that can be worked around if you know how. With this extra information, you’ll be able to get deals done that nobody else can, help more veterans in the process, and stand out to referral partners.
The certification training will cover all the basics if you’ve never done a VA deal before, but it’ll also dig into super advanced topics like:
- Proving eligibility for everyone including reservists and surviving spouses
- Tips for getting DU & LP approvals, and why manual underwriting isn’t something to be feared
- The truth about VA appraisals and especially “Tidewater"
- Ways to find double the number of VA approved condos
- New rules around refinances and being ready for when that market returns
- Uncommon issues like assumptions, EEM, Rehab, non-owner occupant co-borrowers, etc.
Immediately following the class, a test will be given and, upon passing, you will be presented with your certification and all the marketing materials that you need to promote yourself!

In case you’re wondering, it doesn’t matter if you live in a military town. In a non-military town, it’s likely you’ll be the only VA expert, which will make you stand out even more!
Expertise is what your clients are counting on. Be the mortgage professional who knows the nuances of VA loans. If you’ve never done a VA deal, this training covers the basics too!
Get the detailed knowledge & real-life stories that you can use to show your value to real estate agents and help grow your business with VA as your niche.