On August 23, 2023, the National Association of Mortgage Brokers commemorates a half-century uniting mortgage brokers, loan officers, and their associates & colleagues to elevate the industry.
NAMB promotes the highest degree of professionalism & ethical standards for its members, and offers them advocacy, education, networking & benefits year-round.
Scroll down to travel NAMB's 50-year timeline!

The Early Years
NAMB is founded by the Florida Association of Mortgage Brokers (FAMB)
Holds first national convention in Atlanta, GA
Begins the push for state involvement & nationalization
Successfully carries a recommendation to Capitol Hill when the state of Ohio was going to make it illegal to pay mortgage brokers
Merges with AIMB and SMC, two competing mortgage associations
The Nineties
Hires first Capitol lobbyist
Advocates for the industry regarding HUD’s ruling that brokers must disclose Yield Spread Premium (YSP)
Affiliates with state associations including California, Florida & Ohio
Helps defeat Rep. Joe Kennedy’s bill which would have capped every loan at 43% DTI
Elects first female president Patty McGill & officially establishes Washington, DC as NAMB HQ
Establishes Delegate Council, a body that represents state interests
Y2K and the Aughts
Under President Joe Falk, starts the process of creating a regulatory structure around the “profession” of being a mortgage loan officer, which ultimately passed as part of the SAFE Act in 2008
President A.W. Pickel testifies before Congress on FACTA & Subprime Lending
NAMB advocates for the term “Service Release Premium” to be renamed “Yield Spread Premium” so brokers could continue receiving these payments
NAMB becomes self-managed under President AW Pickel
As part of President Bob Armbruster’s presidency, NAMB fights for the industry to delay RESPA changes regarding the disclosure of Yield Spread Premium to consumers
Becomes involved in the Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), donating over $100,000 to its national & state affiliates
NAMB provides relief to Hurricane Katrina victims & NAMB members through monetary donations & the delivery of water, diapers & formula to New Orleans
President Jim Nabors appears on the Today show to discuss 50-year mortgages & NAMB’s position that it was not in the best interest of homeowners who planned to stay in their homes for more than 3 years
President Jim Nabors’ presidency succeeds in getting the Department of Labor to state that MLOs were considered outside sales and not subject to minimum wage & overtime
NAMB testifies in front of the US House on Predatory Lending
Launches the Lending Integrity Seal of Approval (LISA)
HUD had set up hearings nationwide to discuss revisions to the Good Faith Estimate; NAMB galvanized 12 members to testify throughout the country
Under Co-Chairs Eric Parker and Ed Smith, NAMB Diversity Committee holds Diversity Conferences in Dallas & St. Louis
Establishes new education courses & programs including the General Mortgage Associate (GMA)
Testifies before the U.S. House of Reps on FHA
Testifies before the Senate on nontraditional products, the subprime market & foreclosure issues
Testifies before the Federal Reserve Board on the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA)
Publishes the association’s regulatory agenda as a reference for the 101st Congress
Originates the Model State Initiative which becomes part of the SAFE Act
President George Hanzimanolis appears on CNBC to discuss the mortgage meltdown
Opposes the HVCC adoption which prevented originators from ordering appraisals
NAMB begins 2 years of fighting for LOs & the industry regarding numerous rules including Dodd-Frank, Ability to Repay, Loan Originator Compensation & Appraiser Independence
Through its Education Committee, NAMB provides information to its affiliated states to help them establish pre-licensing courses during the transition into NMLS state-licensed loan originators, which required testing
NAMB & NAHREP sign a Memorandum of Understanding agreeing to participate in each other’s events as well as to work together on legislative issues
NAMB Since 2011
Expands its reach into social media with Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook
Establishes NAMB +, _a subsidiary focused on establishing relationships with companies to provide discounts & benefits to NAMB members
Creates NAMB’s Diversity Committee which is charged with bringing minorities & younger people into the business
Creates NAMB’s Legislative Action Fund, allowing businesses to donate for legislative activity
Works with Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL) on the introduction of HR 3393, the Mortgage Fairness Act of 2015, which would remove loan originator compensation from the points & fees cap under the Qualified Mortgage Rule
Establishes a new conference, NAMB East (now known as NAMB Focus)
Complete rebranding including a new logo
NAMB successfully champions flood insurance reform with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)
Creates the Certified Veterans Lending Specialist (CVLS) certification
Launches NAMB All-In, a loan origination software system in coordination with Calyx Software
Expands NAMB certifications to include CCS (Certified Credit Specialist)
Works with Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO) on H.R. 5720, to amend the Fair Credit Reporting to prohibit the sale of trigger leads
Pushes several Calls to Action regarding FHFA’s implementation of an advance refinance fee & amendments to the CARES Act regarding student loan deferrals & loan purchasing by the GSEs
Supports the passage of H.R. 5, Equality Act, which prohibited discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation & gender identity in housing & credit
Publishes digital magazine NAMBCentral
NAMB provides its affiliated states with the opportunity to participate in Freddie Mac’s CreditSmart training program
Founds Inspire, a Women’s Mentoring Group
Elects its first African-American president, Ernest Jones, Jr.
Launches the Certified Reverse Mortgage Specialist (CREV) certification with sponsor Liberty Reverse
Through sponsor Freedom Mortgage, NAMB establishes the Certified FHA Mortgage Professional (CFMP) certification
Applies the pressure of more than 25,000 mortgage broker signatures in support of H.R. 2656, introduced by Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY), to amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act to prohibit the creation & sale of trigger leads
Partners with the International Mortgage Brokers Foundation (IMBF) to begin a global mortgage conversation